Treatment of Periodontitis
Treatment of Periodontitis Periodontitis is a gum inflammation which can effect a lot more than just the gum. Dental plaque on your teeth causes an inflammation around the edge of your gums. This is called gingivitis. This inflammation can expand to the lower part of your jawbone. Eventually this causes periodontitis (Bone-loss) and at a later stage you may lose your teeth or implants. Causes of Periodontitis Gum inflammation is caused by bacteria build up in dental plaque. Dental plaque is a soft, sticky and almost invisible layer of saliva proteins and a mass of bacteria on your teeth. Dental plaque can turn into calculus which is hard and sticks to your teeth. A new layer of dental plaque will then form on top of this hard deposit. The inflammation can go deep to the jawbone located around your teeth. This inflammation causes a pocket to be formed…
Coming up: Dr. Blijdorp gives a lecture at Neodent, Brazil
Coming up: Dr. Blijdorp gives a lecture at Neodent, Brazil Posted on 16 June 2016 By Cindy van de Moosdijk BlueM is growing and is now a major player in the Brazilian market. From Wednesday, June 15 till Wednesday June the 22th a part of team Dutch BlueM is attending the Neodent Congress. The main reason of visisting Brazil is the Neodent Congress. The largest implant company of Brazil is organizing for the fourth year a three-day conference. Professionals from all over the world are participating. A wide range of speakers, professionals, from all over the world will provide lectures on a high level. Our own Dr. Peter Blijdorp has also been invited as a speaker to give a lecture on implantology and the added value of BlueM. BlueM is proud! We will keep you updated about this congress in Brazil trough the website and social media. FUENTE:
Ex-professional cyclist Henk Lubberding «BlueM still has a lot of potential!»
Ex-professional cyclist Henk Lubberding «BlueM still has a lot of potential!» By Cindy van de Moosdijk A passionate, enthusiastic, ex-professional cyclist. Twice Dutch Champion. Thirteen participations in the Tour de France, three-stage victories, winning the white jersey, cycling in the yellow jersey and three times a top 10 ranking in the Tour de France. I think it is clear that I am speaking with a sports legend! «People won’t change something that’s good,» Henk Lubberding begins his story about BlueM. Twelve years ago Mr Lubberding first came into contact with surgeon Peter Blijdorp’s active oxygen formula. It was several years before BlueM would be officially launched. From the first moment Mr Lubberding was happy with BlueM. «I mainly used BlueM to treat periodontitis. I am very disciplined and I brush and rinse with BlueM every day. The oral gel was a perfect complement to treatment on the pockets. I like…
Effective treatment healthy teeth
Effective treatment healthy teeth A healthy mouth and healthy teeth are essential to a healthy body. The high concentration of oxygen in BlueM oral care products make them the best to ensure healthy teeth and gums! Research reveals that oral health affects the overall health of a person. Inflamed gums, or periodontitis can potentially lead to a heart attack or stroke and also has an impact on your kidneys. The maintenance of a healthy mouth is very important in having a healthy body! Active oxygen Oxygen has been used to promote the healing of wounds in medicine for more than one hundred years. Since the sixties, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used successfully in the Netherlands, after heart surgery, for example, and in other case of life-threatening infection with anaerobic organisms.Lives or limbs can often be saved. Experiences of health professionals have also been conducted with topical oral oxygen therapy…
BlueM Implant care: pre & post oral surgery
BlueM Implant care: pre & post oral surgery BlueM implant care before and after oral surgery. BlueM’s oxygen-rich products will contribute to a fast recovery. BlueM is an effective solution pre and post oral surgery to gain the best results without complications! Dental implants Getting dental implants are generally a harmless procedure. However, due to the gums around implants being more sensitive and susceptible to harmful bacteria, inflammation and peri-implantitis can occur post the surgery. Therefore maintaining a good oral health before and after surgery is essential to prevent inflammation of the gums. Implant Procedure How are dental implants placed?Most dental implant surgery procedures are performed in the dentist’s office and in a hospital setting. Local anesthesia is usually adequate for these out-patient procedures. Adjunctive surgical procedures, such as bone augmentation, may be performed as separate procedures or at the same time as implant placement. Each surgical procedure is different…
Honey aids healing
Honey aids healing Posted on 15 July 2016 By Cindy van de Moosdijk Red gums, swollen gums, sometimes painful gums. Gum problems are unpleasant. These can be caused by untreated gingivitis or periodontitis. Left unchecked, these can lead to serious problems with your teeth and your health. One of the most effective ingredients in BlueM products is honey. Honey is famous as a sweetener, delicious in tea. But few people know that honey can also heal wounds! In the last 15 years honey has become a hot topic within medicine. This is due to concern over antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Luckily honey kills the six most common bacteria in the mouth. Honey releases oxygen when it comes into contact with saliva in the mouth. This action is what kills the bacteria. Honey can also reduce inflammation and swelling in wounds. Want a healthy ‘honey-boost? Try honey with hot…
Oxygen against growth cancer cells
Oxygen against growth cancer cells Posted on 7 September 2016 By Marly de Rijk A recent study into the development of new drugs against cancer has an interesting finding. Professor Diether Lambrechts and Dr. Bernard Thienpont (VIB/KU Leuven) have shown that by targeting cancer cells with oxygen you are able to inhibit their growth. «We can make predictions about the progress of cancer and it’s possible treatments by monitoring the oxygen supply to tumors, » said Dr. Thienpont. «It is possible to optimize existing treatments through increased oxygen. Not only can the chemotherapy be effective, but introducing oxygen to the tumor can help. This can be used to combat aggressive relapses». Dr. Peter Zoo has over 25 years experience with the use of oxygen to eliminate harmful bacteria and promote healing of wounds in the mouth. Dr. Blijdorp used this technology in various oral care products including toothpaste, mouthwash and…
Implant care: prevention and treatment of Peri-implantitis
Implant care: prevention and treatment of Peri-implantitis Several patients suffer from inflammation around dental implants called peri-implantitis. Oxygen-rich BlueM products will offer you a remedy to treat Peri-implantitis effectively! Peri-implantitis Peri-implantitis is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the gum and bone around a dental implant. Chronic inflammation causes bone loss, which can lead to a loose implant that eventually could fall out. The chance of inflammation and peri-implantitis is much higher with implants in comparison to natural teeth, as the implants are not able to attach to the gums as effectively. If the gums are loose around the implants, harmful bacteria can grow below the gums causing bone loss. Vision Dr. Peter Blijdorp on peri-implantitis Anaerobic bacteria An anaerobic organism or anaerobe is any organism that does not require oxygen for growth. It may react negatively or even die if oxygen is present.Periodontitis and peri-implantitis are thought…
Libro Control de Infección en el Consultorio Dental
Cuando asiste a un consultorio dental, el dentista está preparado con una serie de protocolos para evitar transmitir enfermedades, como un buen manejo de la desinfección, esterilización, agua segura, barreras de protección, manejo de residuos, etc. la Dra. Garduño, especialista en Estomatología Pediátrica presenta el libro que ayudará a que los estudiantes del área tengan una práctica mas segura para ellos pero principalmente para los pacientes que ponen en sus manos su salud.
BlueM formula
A unique formula that makes us different The BlueM formula with active oxygen is very important in the healing process of wounds. To gain a greater understanding of BlueM’s effectiveness, it is important to understand the scientific research surrounding the part oxygen plays in the wound healing process Role active oxygen 1. Increases Cell Metabolism and Energy ProductionOxygen is required for intracellular processes like biosynthesis, movement, and transport. It needs energy to be functional, as well as for cell survival. 2. Increases Rate of Cell Proliferation and ReepithelializationEpithelial cells “march in” from the sides to close the wound and form a barrier between the wound and the environment – this is the foundation for forming new skin. 3. Increases Collagen Synthesis and Tensile StrengthOxygen is essential to make and properly organise collagen. This is the primary component of the skin, accounting for 70-80% (dry weight – without water) and acts as the structural…