Ex-professional cyclist Henk Lubberding “BlueM still has a lot of potential!”

Ex-professional cyclist Henk Lubberding “BlueM still has a lot of potential!”

Ex-professional cyclist Henk Lubberding “BlueM still has a lot of potential!”

  • By Cindy van de Moosdijk

A passionate, enthusiastic, ex-professional cyclist. Twice Dutch Champion. Thirteen participations in the Tour de France, three-stage victories, winning the white jersey, cycling in the yellow jersey and three times a top 10 ranking in the Tour de France. I think it is clear that I am speaking with a sports legend!

“People won’t change something that’s good,” Henk Lubberding begins his story about BlueM. Twelve years ago Mr Lubberding first came into contact with surgeon Peter Blijdorp’s active oxygen formula. It was several years before BlueM would be officially launched. From the first moment Mr Lubberding was happy with BlueM.

 “I mainly used BlueM to treat periodontitis. I am very disciplined and I brush and rinse with BlueM every day. The oral gel was a perfect complement to treatment on the pockets. I like the fact that I can prevent inflammation in the mouth in a natural way, thanks to BlueM. My patience was tested, but the results are there! My periodontal disease is completely cured and I currently have a healthy pocket depth of 2 millimetres. My dentist and my oral hygienist are very pleased with the results and they now recommend BlueM by themselves. I’ll keep using BlueM to keep my oral hygiene at a high level! “

Driven and inspired, a true sportsman, Mr Lubberding continues his story: “I see so much more potential in BlueM. I’m really satisfied with the products and they deserve more respect. The world is at their feet. With my cycling background I am thinking of the oral gel for sport in general for use on abrasions and burns. The anti-inflammatory activity reduces pain and the oxygen ensures a faster recovery.”

It’s clear that Henk Lubberding is excited about BlueM. As a former athlete, he knows how important it is to take care of your body. He shares the BlueM mantra: a healthy mouth is the start of a healthy body!


FUENTE: http://www.bluemcare.com/en/blogs/nieuws/ex-professional-cyclist-henk-lubberding-bluem-stil/